Special announcement for summer 2024
Registration will open in January 2024 and will be limited to fewer than 130 guests; all participants will arrive on Friday, August 16 at 1:00 – 4:00 PM and depart anytime (there is no minimum required stay) through Wednesday, August 21 at 1:00 PM, which is the final day of Family Camp 2024. For more information, please contact the Winona Office, (207) 647-3721.
For more than four decades, Winona’s Family Camp continues to offer the best vacation deal in the U.S. It includes a full lodging, meals and activity package. Family Camp is a great combination of relaxation and recreational opportunities for kids and adults. Each year, Family Camp includes these perennial favorites:
- Canoe Trips
- Day Mountain Trips (hiking)
- Banana Split Night
- Campfires and Sing Along Night
- Moose Pond Swim
- Tennis Round Robin
- Lobster Bake*
- Evening Programs (dodgeball, street hockey, etc.)
Enjoy activities facilitated by the great Winona Family Camp Staff, which include: archery, riflery, sloyd (woodworking), mastering gimp, arts & crafts, kayaking, sailing, tower climbing!
You can also enjoy your own activities with family and friends. These include canoeing, tennis, nature walks, soccer or basketball and lots of relaxation in the sun on the shores of Moose Pond.
(*these events have additional costs)
Packing tips:
Winona provides pillows and all bedding. Be sure to bring towels, close-toed shoes (sneakers or hiking boots), and a flashlight. If you choose to bring a bicycle you must wear a helmet. For children under age 8: bring a PFD/life preserver for water activities. Also, remember to bring toiletries (shampoo & soap) and clothes for hot/cold/rainy weather.