Winona 110th Reunion was August 19th, 2017.
Dear Alumni,
Thank you for touching base with us on the shores of Moose Pond!
Rest assured many traditions that you remember from your summers at Winona still are a strong part of each boy’s experience today. We still have 40 platform tents throughout camp. Current campers are either a “Red” or a “Gray”, and a member of a team. “Oscar” is still very popular in Intermediate, as is “Lodge” in every unit.
If you haven’t been receiving a surprise birthday card every five years, then we’ve “lost” you in our data files. Just contact us with your current mailing address and we’ll keep you posted on the happenings here on the shores.
If you’d like current enrollment information for friends and relatives, contact us. We have many second, third and fourth generation campers – and now fifth generation families! Or, if you would like to help a boy attend Winona via our Campership Fund, click here.
As we continue as stewards of the Winona pines and waters of Moose Pond, we hope that you’ll have occasion to visit us during the course of your travels. Stay in touch!
Best Wishes and Brix – Brax,
Spencer C. Ordway
Laura H. Ordway
brother-sister Ordway Directors