Just as we have a section on the blog for getting to know some of the counselors better, we have one for campers as well. This week we are featuring junior camper Koa Brown. Enjoy!
So Koa, how old are you and where are you from?
– I am ten years old and I am from Hawaii! But right now I live in Vienna, Virginia.
Awesome! So how many years have you been coming to Winona for now, Koa?
– I think four. This summer will be my fifth summer at Winona – my last one in Junior!
Oh, so you’ll be moving up with the big boys in Inty! What would you say are your favorite activities at camp?
– Ummmm, a lot! But I mainly go to tennis, basketball, soccer, and baseball. I also really love riflery!
Have you ever been on any trips while at Winona? If so, which one was your favorite you’ve been on?
– Yeah, I’ve been on a few mountain trips and canoe trips. My favorite was a canoe trip that we took to Loon Isle, which is down the lake right next to Wyonegonic. The best part about it was the marshmallows! We got to eat them and make s’mores!
Want to explain a little about what s’mores are?
– Yeah! They are graham crackers with a roasted marshmallow and chocolate inside. The counselors tell us to go and find a good stick to roast the marshmallows with and when we are ready we get a graham cracker and a bar of chocolate and get to make them. The marshmallow warms up the chocolate and it melts it a little bit. That’s definitely my favorite part of the canoe trips.
I have to admit, Koa, I love them too. So, what’s your favorite evening program at camp?
– I think it would be ultimate capture the flag. It’s a red against grey game where each team has around ten flags on each side of the field. When the whistle blows everyone either runs to get the other flags or protects the flags on their side of the field. If you get your sock pulled while on the other teams side you are out and have to wait until you get tagged back in. When one team gets all twenty flags on their side of the field they win. I love that one!
What are you most excited about for this summer coming up?
– Activities! I think that this summer I want to try some new things. I might try sailing a lot. I haven’t gone to that very much before and maybe this summer will be a good time to try and go.
What is your favorite special event at camp? Those are things like senior cir– (interviewer cut off).
– Banana Split Night! That’s the time when a counselor raises up a big banner that says “Banana Split Night” and that means after dinner everyone gets to make Banana Splits. They set up a couple tables and you get to make your own banana split – ice cream, gummy bears, m&ms… I always put A LOT of cherries on mine and usually get all three kinds of ice cream they have.
What are your favorite memories of camp?
– Probably shooting really well at riflery and breaking my old scoring records. Also I love chasing the BAT!
Have you ever been close to catching the BAT?
– Yes, very! I cut off the bat’s path before. But then a counselor pulled me back before I could get to the BAT. Also, my second year I was on the Saco River canoe trip and the counselors told us to line up for a picture. When we were taking the picture the bats snuck up behind us and one of them grabbed me and bear hugged me from behind! They took the picture then the BATS ran off.
Woah! Not many campers can say the BAT has picked them up before! Have you ever had a fun tent party before as a reward for good tent work?
– Yeah, I remember one time Uncle Matt made us do extra tent work before lunch. He told us that because we were late for lunch he had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches waiting for us in the Wiggy. When we got up there it wasn’t peanut butter and jelly – it was sprite, coke, pizza, skittles and more. It was fun to be able to have that tent party during lunch and just spend it with my counselors and my friends who were in the same cabin as I was.
What’s your favorite thing to do around the unit with the friends you’ve made at camp besides activities?
– Ga! Ga! Ga! It’s this game that like every camper in the unit plays during free time. We have this soft ball and try to hit it at each other’s knees and below. If it gets you below the knees then you are out and the last man standing wins. It’s just really fun and sometimes the counselors play with us and all of the campers try to team up and get them out. It’s one of the best parts about junior.
Are you the best in Junior at “Ga! Ga! Ga!”?
– Probably!
If you were talking to someone who has never been to camp before but was thinking about coming to camp, what would you want to say that would make him excited about Winona?
– Camp is a really good place to be at during the summer! Everybody is friendly; there are a lot of activities to do that are fun. All the activities are different; you don’t have to keep doing the same thing over and over again. There is a huge lake at camp and camp is really big. It is one of my favorite places in the world to be!
Brix Brax, Koa!